Lawn Installation

Lawn Installation

Ryan's Lawn Care & Landscaping Inc. provides each lawn and landscape with the utmost care, consideration, and expertise. In doing so, an integrated lawn renovation or installation program can be established. This will be done with the efforts of either refreshing an older lawn, replacing a lawn completely, or undergoing a complete lawn installation from a new patch of land or cleared lot. A lawn can be either installed or renovated using a variety of landscaping tactics. We offer lawn renovation and installation services to both residential and commercial customers.
Lawn Renovation
Topdressing is a landscaping masterpiece that is intricately handled by our landscape professionals to create a beautiful, healthy looking lawn. This service is reserved for lawns that need a little help. Topdressing allows a specialist to plant "over" existing turf and in bare areas to improve overall density and quality without wasting what is already there. Most of the existing grass remains while we fill in the dead spots. It helps eliminate thatch and it retains moisture, heat, and microbes to assist in the decomposition of the thatch layer. Topdressing also helps fill in depressions and low areas of the turf. This allows for a smoother cutting of the leaf. Topdressing serves as a supplement to your current lawn and will be most effective in addition to a complete turf care program.

Lawn Installation
Seeding is a less expensive practice which requires more nurturing and maintenance while the grass plants germinate, grow and mature. Although more expensive, installing sod provides immediate satisfaction, beauty, and it permits almost instantaneous use. Ultimately, the success of any lawn installation project is directly dependant on a good plan, flawless execution and proper aftercare. We can help you start your new lawn by either laying sod or sowing grass seed.
Sod installation can be the best alternative for starting a new lawn or repairing a severely damaged one. Sod is professionally grown mature lawn that comes in large patches or rolls. Sod comes complete with soil and roots that establish themselves after a short while when you apply pressure and water. After installation, it requires less care then seeded grass and little maintenance.

Should You Seed or Sod?
To get great grass fast, sod is your first and best choice. Sod can yield a beautiful lawn quickly with practically NO weeds, pests or diseases!

Contact Us today for a FREE consultation!
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